Contact Us

Where to Find Us

139 Sandy Bay Road Sandy Bay, Tasmania
Want to make a booking for a meal or function? Or perhaps a room? For same or next day bookings, we recommend that you call. Just give us a call after 11am on the number below:
03 6223 6258

Get In touch

We aim to respond to all emails within 24 hours. Please include enough details for us, so that we can answer your enquiry as fully as possible.
Dr. syntax outside look

Dining Room
Christmas Trading Hours

Tuesday 24th December 12 – 2.30pm- Dinner Closed
Wednesday-Thursday 25th-26th December Closed
Friday-Saturday 27th-28th December 12 –2.30pm & 5-8.30pm
Sunday 29th December 12 –2.30pm & 5-7pm
Monday-Tuesday 30th-31st December 12 –2pm & 5-8.00pm
Wednesday 1st January Closed
*Minimum trading hours subject to change due to trade*
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Please fill the form below, our booking staff will get back to you as soon a possible.